Nickolas Bartel

W&J sophomore secures virtual internship with New York State Senate

Created: July 6, 2020  |  Last Updated: July 6, 2020  |  Category:   |  Tagged: , ,

WASHINGTON, PA (July 6, 2020)—The COVID-19 pandemic has presented challenges for many, 但华盛顿 & 像尼古拉斯·巴特尔这样的杰斐逊学院的学生正在寻找创造性的解决方案,以便在这段时间里继续蓬勃发展.

在春季学期的早期, the sophomore political science, 环境研究, 西班牙语三联专业的学生正在寻找实习机会,就在世界封锁以对抗冠状病毒的快速传播之前. 在W&J’s 职业服务 department, it didn’t take long for Nickolas to find the opportunity he was searching for.

“While I was looking for potential internships, 杰米·克林根史密斯(Jami Klingensmith)向我提供了这个机会,让我在纽约州参议员约翰·布鲁克斯(John Brooks)和民主党候选人安·布兰卡托(Ann Brancato)之间进行联合实习,代表纽约州议会第九区,” he said. “我决定申请这个职位,因为规模较小的活动通常会让实习生承担更大的任务和责任. As someone who wants to go into policy research, 我想利用我所学到的知识,更多地了解竞选活动,帮助人们关注对我来说很重要的问题, like promoting equity in society.”

他在竞选活动中的时间是快节奏的,在尼古拉斯协助写作的同时,他也在不断地学习, revising, 发布政策简报. 他最大的关注点之一是帮助制定降低纽约州失业率的政策, 他还写了几篇关于公平工作实践的简报,以减少经济衰退期间员工的裁员. Some of his writing has been incorporated in official campaign policy positions for the Brancato campaign.

尼古拉斯在W的经历&J have helped prepare him for his responsibilities in this internship role.

“Last fall, I took public policy with Professor Risko. 在那堂课上, she focused heavily on showing us how to format and create concise and efficient policy briefs,” he said. “Thanks to that class, I have been able to take on more opportunities within the campaign.”

This internship is an early step for Nickolas on his intended career path, where he hopes to work in international policy formation in either the public or private sector.

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